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推荐几部关于 *** 入侵(电脑攻击)的电影??


又名: 错误元素 / 防火墙

导演: 理查德·朗克莱恩 Richard Loncraine

主演: 哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford / 保罗·贝塔尼 Paul Bettany / 维吉尼亚·马德森 Virginia Madsen

上映年度: 2006年2月

语言: 英语


imdb链接: tt0408345

制片国家/地区: 美国

剧情简介 ······

日益猖獗的计算机黑客经常会在计算机 *** 上想方设法盗取银行的资产。然而,当今一种专门从事阻止黑客侵入银行计算机系统的防护系统也正在和 *** 上的这种违法行为进行着斗争。计算机安全专家杰克·斯坦福(哈里森·福特)便是从事这一行业的人。他如今供职于美国西部西雅图市一家国际金融机构太平洋银行。

杰克·斯坦福是一名备受股东们信赖的高级 *** 安全主管,多年来负责设计最有效的防盗计算机系统和各种“防火墙”式的软件。然而,杰克的防盗系统却有一个致命弱点,那就是他自己。因为,防火墙的密码就由他来保管。这一点,似乎包括对银行里的现金垂涎已久的罪犯们也心知肚明……


因此,好几个月来,比尔·考克斯(保罗·贝坦尼)一直在仔细观察杰克和他的家人的日常生活规律,并利用各种先进的电子设备,监控他们上网的活动,窃听他们的私人 *** ,熟知他们的日常作息,并窃取他们最隐私的资料等等。比尔·考克斯甚至了解到他们小孩的朋友的名字,以及他们的病史,更知道了他们居住的社区安保系统的密码。他花了将近一年的时间以完全掌控杰克一家人的每一个生活细节,现在终于到了可以行动的时间。


不甘心受匪人威胁而干出出卖自己职业勾当的杰克尝试着各种 *** 向他人求救以及设法独自救出自己的家人。但每一次尝试都被凶残的考克斯识破并阻止,于是逼不得已只好破解自己设计的计算机安全系统,将一亿美元巨款汇入考克斯的海外银行帐户。不但让他自己成为罪犯,也被迫消灭考克斯犯案的所有证据。但此时在受到严密的监控下的杰克,只有几个小时的时间可以完成汇款,并找到歹徒看似天衣无缝的阴谋的漏洞,千钧一发之际,杰克拼尽全力,誓死拯救家人的性命,还自己的清白……


在豪宅中休息了两年的哈里森·福特如今却重出江湖,不知是影迷们的一大幸事还是影坛的悲哀。很多人都怀疑,如此老迈的胳膊腿能否在动作戏中再次带给人们当年的精彩?想必印第安纳·琼斯的魅力已经一去不复返了。事实上,就在几年前,老福特已经显现出无法遮掩的老迈来了。《六天七夜》的差强人意,《疑云重重》的不知所谓,《K-19》也可谓一片混乱,一系列影片都在票房的争夺战中败下阵来。但经验老道的哈里森·福特适时地选择了休息,让人们在视觉疲劳时同样地有了很好的休息。如今,两年后尚不服老的福特再次披挂上阵也说明了他已经有了充分的准备。其实,哈里森·福特此番出山也颇为谨慎。为了使剧情看点足具,哈里森·福特不仅费心请来英伦演员保罗·贝坦尼扮演凶残绑匪,与自己共演一出智力与体力的双重对决,还亲自出马甄选片中自己老婆的人选,甚至对影片 *** 团队中较为低等的工作人员都做了百般挑选。



防火墙?还需要解释吗?它当然不是一堵能防火的墙壁,如今稍微有点 *** 常识的人都知道它的功用。所以,名字就源于此的《防火墙》,讲得当然也就是关于它的故事。


不过,影片的设置和细节倒也有些新意。《防火墙》的世界是完全电子化的,银行的大量金钱都被键盘和密码控制着,银行最多有1%的资产贮存于金库中,也难怪电脑 *** 黑客虎视眈眈了。不过虽然加入了高科技 *** 黑客的噱头,且有美国发达的金融电脑科技作铺垫,可毕竟好莱坞在这方面成就高的作品实在不多,不免让人有些担忧。


与其说这是关于高科技、关于 *** 、关于惊悚或是其他,不如说这是一部由哈里森·福特做招牌的电影。这个曾经响当当的名号、票房的保证,曾经英勇神武的韩·索罗、印第安那·琼斯和杰克·瑞恩,甚至是美国总统,在日渐年老体衰之后却逐渐失去了强大的号召力。






Hunger can change everything you ever thought you knew about yourself.



Before we left, Anandi and I had time enough to break each other's heart. Of course, I promised I would come back one day. It's funny...I remember everything else about our last day. But I don't remember saying goodbye.



No, if it happened, it happened. Why should it have to mean anything?



He was such an evil man, but was still hum...He brought the evil out of me! And I have to live with that.



Mortal, all I have left and hang on to. Everything make stopped, fragmented. Can't tell day dreams, night dreams from reality anymore.



You know, I've left so much behind, my family, the zoo, India, Anandi...I suppose India and the whole of life becomes an act of letting go. But what will always hurt the most, is not taking a moment to say goodbye.



At the edge of the jungle, he stopped. I was certain he was going to look back to me. Flatten his ears to his head, proud, that he would bring our relationship to an end in some way. But he just teared ahead into the jungle.



Vishnu, the supreme soul, the source of all things. Vishnu sleeps, floating on the shoreless co *** ic ocean, and we are the stuff of his dreaming. Spectacle.



Above all, don't lose hope.

求 电影英文对白 文本资料

我自己整理的(不需转载)我是对着DVD 敲进去的:


1, Wait, aren’t you going south, the change of seasons, migration instincts, any of this a ringing a bell? 有没有想起来?

2, Ok, so you’ve got issues, you won’t even know I’ m here, I’ll just zip my lip. 好,你有性格,我不好再烦你,说到做到。

3, Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm. An eye for an eye, don’t you think? 以牙还牙

4, Alert the troops, we attack at dawn. 通知其他同胞,拂晓攻击。

5, Is there someone else you can annoy? Friend? Family? Posinous reptiles?你就不能去烦其他人吗?(能不能别烦我)

6, Could you scooch over a drop? 可否借个位子给我?

7, You’d better, unless you want to serve yourself as a replacement. 那更好,不是的话你便代替他。

8, We’ll go up to the half peak, meet us there. 我们去半边山,到那里会合我们。

9, Can we trust you with that? 没问题吧?

10, Hey, are you forgetting something? 你忘了东西了。

11, I’m trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.

12, There’s his herd right up the hill. 他的种族在山上。

13, Let’s get this straight, there’s no “we”, there never was a “we”, in fact, without me, there wouldn’t even be a “you” 把话说清楚,没有“我们”,没有我,连你都没有。

14, -Just up the hill 就送上山吗。

-Listen very carefully, I am not going. 听清楚,我不去。

15, You two are a bit of an odd couple. 你们是蛮罕见的夫妻。

16, Yes, nice try, bucktooth. 呵呵,脸不红气不喘。

17, - Calling me a liar?

- I didn’t say that.

- You were thinking that.

- I don’t like this cat, he read minds. 我不喜欢这只猫,他读懂心理。

18, - If you’re looking for the humans, you’re wasting your time, they left this morning.

- Thanks for the advice, now beat it. 谢谢你的意见,现在你可以闪了。

19, It’s hard to get fat on a vegan diet. 吃素食不会发胖。

20, You don’t know too much about tracking, do you? 你不擅长跟踪,对吧。

21, They headed north two hours ago. 他们两小时前向北出发了。

22, I can track humans down a lot fast than you.

23, Unless you know how to track, you’ll never reach them before snow closes the pass.

24, So, you can give the baby to me, or go get lost in the blizzard, it’s your choice. 做什么,或者… 你自己选。

25, You won’t always have jumbo around to protect you,and when that days comes, I suggest you watch you back, cos I’ll be chewing on it.

26, You gonna make it stop, I can’t take it anymore. 哄哄他,我快疯了。

27, I’ve eaten things that complained less. 我吃的东西也不好这么难伺候。

28, If he poofs, where does it go? Human are disgusting. 真恶心

29, Because you’are *** all and insignificant, and I’ll pummel you if you don’t. 我会踩扁你。

30, -I bet he’s hungry. - How about some milk? -Oh, I’d love some. -Not you, the baby.

31, I ain’t exactly lactating right now, pal. – You’re a little low on the food chain to… 现在不是我的泌乳期,老哥。


1, Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought-girl should be, inside, I was screaming. 表明上,我无异于别的大家闺秀,但内心,我却在呐喊。

2, When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose. 没钱就没烦恼。

3, We’re riding in high style now, we are a couple of swells. 这下我们风光了,发达了。

4, You know somebody? That’s not the point. 你认识他们吗,这有什么关系。

5, Who says you get top bunk, huh? 谁让你睡上铺的,恩?

6, What’s the artist’s name? Something Picasso. 画家叫什么,毕加索什么的。

7, He won’t amout to a thing, trust me. 他混不出什么名堂,相信我。

8, Her hu *** and has struck gold someplace out west. Struck, strick 的过去式,= find.

9, We were steaming west from the coast of Ireland, with nothing out ahead of us but ocean.

10, All ahead full. 全速前进。Let’s stoke them right up, we are going full ahead.

11, In every way that a person can be saved. 他彻底的救了我。

12, He exists now only in my memory. 他如今只活在我的记忆里。

13, I was saving this for when I found the diamond. 原本打算留到找到钻石时抽的。

14, Three years, I’ve thought nothing except Titanic.

三、2006-5-11(SOUND OF MUSIC)

1, I’m from the convent, I’m the new governess.女修道院,女家庭教师。I’m the old butler. 男管家。

2, In future, remember certain rooms in this house are not to be disturbed.

3, Why do you stare at me that way? You don’t look tall like a sea captain. I’m afraid you don’t look very much like a governess.

4, You’ll see to it that they conduct themselves with the utmost decorum.

5, Let’s see how well you listened. I will not have anyone shouting.

6, I could never answer to a whistle.It could be too humiliating. 羞辱的

7,A telegram for you.

8, Mind your own business. 别多管闲事。

9, Sincerely, Cordially, Affectionately. 诚恳的,亲切的。

10, There are a few of my favourite things.


1,-A good-looking guy like you?

-You say that, but you don’t mean it. 像你那样的帅哥吗?话是没错,但别挖苦我。

- No, seriously, look at you, those ladies, they don’t stand a chance.

- You have a cruel sense of humor. 你嘴巴真够毒辣的。

- Don’t let me cramp you style.

- Thanks Manny, you’re a pal.

- Without Pinky.

2, What so threatening about you? 你有什么可怕的?

3, You will be a little snack for the owls. 点心

4, No, carl, the tiger beat us to him. 被老虎强先了。

5, You’re lost. No, I know exactly where we are.

6, Ask him directions. I don’t need directions.

7, Great news, I found a shortcut. 好消息,我找到近路了。

What do you mean, shortcut? I mean fast than the long way around.

8, Either we beat the human to the pass or we take the long way and miss them.

9, Guys, stick together, it’s easy to get lost in here. 跟好,这里容易走丢。

10, Will you keep up, please? hard enough to keep track of one baby. 跟好可以吗,照顾个小孩已经够累的了。

11, Yeah, who’s up for a round two? 真过瘾,谁想再来一次。 No, tell the kid to be more careful.

12, Do you need a news flash everytime your body does something?

13, Why did you do that, you could have died, trying to save me? That’s what you do in a head.


1, He envisioned a steamer so grand in scale, that it’s supremacy would never be challenged.

2, It lets us know where we rank. 好让我们知道自己是什么身份啊。

3, Oh,forget it, boyo, you’d as like have angles fly out of your ass, as get next to likes of her. 别想了,你连接近的机会都没有。

4, I saw my whole life, as if I’d already lived it.觉得生活了无生趣。

5, An endless parade of parties, and cotillion. 沙龙舞(19世纪流行的一种不断交换舞伴, 穿插各种花样的轻快交谊舞)

6, Always the same narrow people, with the same mindless chatter.

7, I feel like I was standing at a great precipice.

8, Stay back, don’t come any closer. 退回去,别靠近。

9, Give me your hand, I will pull you back. 把你拉回来。

10, Stay where you are, I mean it, I will let go. 我是认真的,我会松手的。

11, Don’t presume to tell me what I will and will not do.猜想。你凭什么说我会不会去做什么。

12, You would’ve done it already, you’re distracting me, go away, I can’t, I am involved. 已经介入了。

13, Don’t be absurd, you’ll be killed. 别胡说。

14, How cold, freezing, maybe a couple of degrees over. 很冷,只有几度吧。

15, Fetch the master-at-arms.

16, Sure, count me in. 好的,没问题。

17, I was right, you and my son are just about the same size.

18, You shine up like a new penny. 看你人模人样的。

19, Well, it’s amazing, you could amost pass for a gentleman.

六、2006-5-13(SOUND OF MUSIC)

1、 It’s high time I met all your friends. 我得认识下你的朋友了。

2、 I don’t remember anymore.

3、 I don’t suppose I’m used to dancing. Be used to doing sth, 习惯于

4、 You flatter me, how clumsy of me, I meant to accuse you. 笨拙;指责

5、 Sometimes, I don't believe I know you.

6、 To refuse them would be fatal for all of us, and joining them would be unthinkable.

7、 Get all the children together, don’t say anything to worry them.

8、 Sth’s wrong with you car, yes, we couldn’t get it started.

9、 And I am the head of the lee’s family, am I not? 家长

10、 I pray that you will never let it die.

